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Barb Gonzalez  |  Aug 19, 2015  | 
The NVIDIA Shield follows the Nexus Player as one of the first stand alone media players with Android TV. A sleek, angled device, the Shield’s focus may be on gaming but it performs as one of the best streaming devices available. Still, it is limited by Android TV’s app selection and interface.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Aug 06, 2015  | 
Chicago to extend Amusement tax to streaming services from Apple Music to Netflix.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Jul 22, 2015  | 
Comcast has started beta testing the new Stream online TV service to its Internet customers. But is it enough to entice a new generation of TV viewers?
Barb Gonzalez  |  Jul 08, 2015  | 
Showtime's new app for Roku and Apple TV streams shows and movies without a cable subscription and Hulu is offering a Showtime add-on.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Jun 10, 2015  | 
Apple will finally offer a monthly subscription streaming service and despite the claims, it's not all revolutionary.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Jun 17, 2015  |  First Published: Jun 04, 2015  | 
Announcements of new apps and the release of two new Android TV stand-alone boxes fuel hopes that more people will be enticed to try an Android TV.
Barb Gonzalez  |  May 21, 2015  | 
Spotify adds video, original content, and an advanced running feature that ties music to a runner's pace.
Barb Gonzalez  |  May 06, 2015  | 
Google's new YouTube Music Key beta adds music videos to Google Play Music. Here's how it works.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Apr 29, 2015  | 
Hulu announced that it has licensed all 180 episodes of Seinfeld in an exclusive Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) streaming deal. The news was presented at the annual Hulu UpFront event for potential advertisers. Along with the Seinfeld deal, Hulu unveiled its new lineup of original content and another exclusive deal with AMC for future shows.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Apr 16, 2015  | 
New online streaming TV offerings makes it tempting to cut the cord and cancel your cable, satellite, or telecom provider. Is it time and will it save you money?
Barb Gonzalez  |  Apr 10, 2015  | 
HBO Now is available on Apple TV and Sling TV. If you want to see the Game of Thrones premiere or other live events as they air, you may need to find another way to watch.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Apr 01, 2015  | 
Jay Z relaunched the newly purchased Tidal hi-fi music streaming service with hopes that it will change the way artists are paid. Check out the details and the star-studded video of the Tidal press conference from March 30.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Mar 25, 2015  | 
At long last Dish subscribers can watch Showtime Anytime on media players and mobile devices. Here are the details.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Mar 20, 2015  |  First Published: Mar 18, 2015  | 
As promised, the HBO standalone subscription service will be available in April to Apple customers. Unlike HBO Go, the service will not require that viewers authenticate by also subscribing to HBO on cable or satellite. Find out how to get HBO NOW in April.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Mar 04, 2015  | 
With the new reclassification of broadband providers under Title II, the FCC can enforce net neutrality and we don't have to worry that our 4K streams will be slowed down. What are the new rules and what does it mean in the future?
