Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story. "You discover a beautiful princess trapped in a dragon's lair. If you try and rescue the princess, turn to page ....
Back in elementary school, I loved reading those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. They'd begin like a normal book, but at the end of each page, you'd be faced with a decision that radically altered the story.
New additions to The List in December include the Revel Concerta, a $3,800 home theater speaker system that's short on style but long on value thanks to near-perfect sonics. Olive scored with its thoughtfully conceived Symphony music server. We loved both JVC's 2nd-gen Everio hard-drive camcorder and Sony's "affordable" $2,000 high-def model.
Even as HDTV takes hold, there are people (including me) looking for the "next big thing" that will improve video's realism. My recent experience with InterVideo's popular WinDVD DVD-player program for PCs has shown me one of the possibilities.
When the Compact Disc was introduced 22 years ago, it rocked everyone's world. Like any seismic change, it fostered its share of controversy and anger and even some name-calling. As a devout young digerati, I waited patiently for all the conspiracy theories to die away. I'm still waiting.
Family gatherings are always a convenient excuse to pull out the camcorder and start shooting. If you thought your choice of weaponry was confined to the 10-year-old MiniDV tape format, guess again. You'd be ignoring two of the hottest trends of the last few years: hard-disk recording and high-definition TV. It's not your fault.
Flash memory's time has come. Previously popular only in low-capacity MP3 players and digital cameras, the iPod nano seems destined to take this solid-state medium to a new level.