Kris Deering

Kris Deering  |  Dec 04, 2009  |  Published: Dec 05, 2009

<IMG SRC="/images/archivesart/julie.jpg" WIDTH=200 BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT><i>Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer/director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's "Julie & Julia" and "My Life In France," by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme. Based on two true stories, "Julie & Julia" intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends...until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.</i>

Kris Deering  |  Dec 01, 2009
Movie: 3.5
Picture/Sound: 3.25/4
Extras: 3
Kris Deering  |  Dec 01, 2009
Movie: 4
Picture/Sound: 4/5
Extras: 3.5
Kris Deering  |  Dec 01, 2009
Movie: 3.5
Picture/Sound: 4.25/4
Extras: 3.5
Kris Deering  |  Dec 01, 2009
Movie: 3.5
Picture/Sound: 4.5/5
Extras: 4
Kris Deering  |  Dec 01, 2009
Movie: 2.5
Picture/Sound: 3.5/4
Extras: 3.5
Kris Deering  |  Dec 01, 2009
Movie: 3
Picture/Sound: 4/4.5
Extras: 4.5
Kris Deering  |  Dec 01, 2009
Movie: 3
Picture/Sound: 4/4.25
Extras: 3
Kris Deering  |  Nov 30, 2009

<IMG SRC="/images/archivesart/fightclub.jpg" WIDTH=200 BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT><i>A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until a sensuous eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of control spiral toward oblivion.</I>

Kris Deering  |  Nov 30, 2009

<IMG SRC="/images/archivesart/4xmass.jpg" WIDTH=200 BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT><i>No one enjoys the holidays more than Brad and Kate. Every December 25th, this happily unmarried, upscale San Francisco couple embark on a holiday tradition they have shared every year since they met - ditching their crazy families for a relaxing, fun-filled vacation in some sunny exotic locale. There, sipping margaritas by the pool, they toast the season, knowing they have once again avoided the chaos and emotional fallout of their four respective households: divorced parents, squabbling siblings, out-of-control kids and all the simmering resentments and awkward moments that are the hallmarks of every family Christmas. But not this year. Shorts and sunglasses packed, Brad and Kate are trapped at the San Francisco airport by a fogbank that cancels every outbound flight. Worse yet, they are caught on camera by a local news crew, revealing their whereabouts to the whole city...and to their families. With no escape and no excuses, they are now expected home by Brad's father. And Kate's mother. And Brad's mother. And Kate's father. "Four Christmases" in one day. </i>
