Jon Iverson

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 21, 2008
New bed features loudspeakers by Anthony Gallo Acoustics
Jon Iverson  |  Oct 04, 2007
You've installed your speakers, but your room still doesn't sound right. In this installment, we show you how to tweak your room's sound with acoustics.
Jon Iverson  |  Sep 05, 2007
An all-McIntosh system is the apple of this homeowner's eye—and ears.
Jon Iverson  |  Jun 03, 2006

UAV's Fred Manteghian and Shane Buettner hard at work searching for video far and wide.

Jon Iverson  |  Jun 03, 2006

Our esteemed editor Thomas Norton has the right plate for the job.

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 10, 2004

Want to get excellent 5.1 sound in your room with minimal visual impact? Magnepan plans to offer an option that will motorize its MGMC1 planar speakers so they can fold back against a wall. Because the speakers sound best at around a 30 degree angle from the wall, some folks may want to push them flat when not in use. The motorized option is currently in prototype and should be ready later this year. Expect a true ribbon version of the MGCM1 sometime in 2005.

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 09, 2004

"This," said Lew Johnson, "is home theater done the way <I>we</I> think it ought to be." The "we" in question was Conrad-Johnson and its sister company McCormack Audio, and the system under discussion included McCormack's spanking new UDP-1 Universal Disc Player ($2995).

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 08, 2004

Some of the most welcome news to come out of the 2004 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was Sumiko's announcement of BARCO's return to the North American market. BARCO has long been a leader in professional and industrial DLP and CRT products, and has now developed a new line o f consumer-oriented DLP projectors called CineVERSUM.

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 07, 2004

The Consumer Electronics Show doesn't open until Thursday, and they're still setting up booths and taping down carpet. The rumor is that the South Convention Hall is behind schedule, and they'll be working all night long to be ready. But as is CES tradition, the major consumer electronics manufacturers scheduled a full day's worth of press events&mdash;and they weren't going to let the sound of pneumatic power tools get in the way.

Jon Iverson  |  Dec 29, 2003

Arizona-based <A HREF="">Rockford Corporation</A> announced last week that it has acquired loudspeaker designer <A HREF="">Now Hear This</A> (NHT) from Recoton Corporation. Previous Rockford acquisitions include Fosgate, Hafler, Acoustat, and MB Quart, and the company says that specific terms of the new agreement are confidential.
