|  Mar 11, 2007

After Nielsen Videoscan sales numbers showed Blu-ray outselling HD DVD by a two-to-one margin in January, Sony up and declared the format war as over. February's sales data probably isn't going to do much to reign in the confidence of the Blu-ray camp. A Video Business article cited industry sources claiming that the Sony-backed format outsold HD DVD by two-to-one again in February: 250,000 units to 125,000 units.

 |  Mar 08, 2007

There are some hot deals out there right now for new HD DVD owners and existing Blu-ray Disc player owners. Starting with the HD DVD camp,anyone buying any of Toshiba's HD DVD players between March 1 and July 31st can send a mail-in form to receive five free HD DVDs. On the Blu-ray side, if you're looking to build out your collection Amazon is unloading almost four dozen titles at 50% off of retail.

 |  Mar 03, 2007

I've never been all that impressed with the picture quality of LCD flat panels. I'm primarily a nighttime, controlled light environment movie watcher, and the poor blacks and lack of contrast just do me in with these things. On top of that, many LCDs have a "painted" digital look that never suspends disbelief, and the worst of the bunch have response time issues that make motion blur.

 |  Feb 25, 2007

Can you sell a million game consoles in three months and still be behind? Apparently so. Game console sales numbers through January have been distributed, and while Sony's overall numbers for the PS3 are impressive, Nintendo's Wii has outsold the PS3 in total units by aroung 50% in North America- 1.5 million units compared to around 1 million for the PS3. Microsoft's Xbox 360, which launched well over a year ago is in the overall lead with around five million units.

 |  Feb 22, 2007  |  Published: Feb 23, 2007

Blockbuster has a promotion that it apparently thinks is so good that it's worth doing twice. Last Sunday through Wednesday current Netflix subscribers that brought in the tear away flaps from a Netlfix movie rental envelope were given a free movie rental at Blockbuster. According the AP story on the promo, this is the second time Blockbuster has run this offer, the first being a two week stint in the Dallas area last December.

 |  Feb 16, 2007

<IMG SRC="/images/archivesart/207sharplc46d92u.jpg" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=311 BORDER=0>

 |  Feb 15, 2007

A report from Informa Telecoms and Media estimates that the number of HDTV households will grow to over 150 million worldwide by 2011 from just under 50 million as of the end of 2006. The US leads the pack by a long shot, currently comprising 58% of the worldwide totals, followed by Japan with 20% of world HDTV households.

 |  Feb 11, 2007

Almost lost in the aftermath of <A HREF="http://www.ultimateavmag.com/news/20807walmart/">Wal-Mart's big announcement</A> that it was tackling the movie download space was the unveiling last week of the deal between Amazon and TiVo to partner on movie and TV show downloads. TiVo owners with broadband connections can now shop for video downlods from Amazon's Unbox and have the movies and shows sent directly to the TiVos- in their living rooms, connected to their TVs. The new service is called Amazon Unbox on TiVo.

 |  Feb 08, 2007

Could it be that Apple, Amazon and Netflix might face their toughest competition in the movie download space from a brick and mortar retail chain? Wal-Mart is entering the movie download business with deals in place with six of Hollywood's major studios, a claim no other download site can match currently. Disney, Fox, Paramount, Sony, Universal and Warner have all signed on to sell movies and TV shows with the retailing giant.

 |  Feb 01, 2007  |  Published: Feb 02, 2007

Recently released independent sales tracking from Nielsen's VideoScan has shown that Blu-ray Disc has nearly caught up to HD DVD in total number of discs sold since launch, and that the Sony-backed format outsold HD DVD at a rate of better than 2:1 in the first two weeks of January. While this is certainly too short a window to draw conclusions from, there are some significant reasons that this news bodes well for Blu-ray.
