As more and more options for entertainment viewing become possible, with streaming and downloading out the wazoo, it seems like an odd time for a rate hike from DirecTV. But, alas, a price jump is coming in March. DirecTV has well over 100...
In the rollercoaster ride that is American politics, the bill proposing a delay to the digital transition, yet one more time, just days after the House shot down the latest proposal. Goodness, will someone just put this to bed already?House...
A new study, of course by the television industry, found that people enjoyed TV shows more with commercials than the same show displayed without commercials. Interesting . . .Of course, it should be noted that most sitcoms are written in...
A few weeks ago, Apple's iTunes converted most of their library to higher-quality DRM-free content, so you can move it around to whatever computer or player you want that can handle the AAC format. The iTunes Plus was available for new...
Sure, plenty of companies make chairs designed for home theaters. And sure, plenty of companies make home theater surround sound systems. But, the BodySound chair does it all.
The BodySound chair has seven speakers built directly into the...
Not even a bread bowl full of onion dip can impress your Super Bowl guests like a snazzy new TV. But, as our moms taught us, pleasing your buddies is no reason to do anything, especially when it comes to buying pricey electronics. So, as people with...
If you were banking on the government to buy you a couple more months of cable or converter box-free TV, then this is a sad day for you. The House defeated the bill that would've set the date back four months from its February 17th goal with...
When Microsoft first reported that the Zune platform profits dropped by more than $100 million, or more than half, many analysts started getting ready to send their condolences to another dead media player. Microsoft isn't ready to let the...
The 2009 Super Bowl is going to be a 3D blitz, with commercials and trailers slated to air in 3D. One of the most anticipated is the SoBe Lizards take on "Swan Lake." The video, in 2D can be seen here. But, perhaps more interesting is...
I'm all for protecting copyright owners. It's their property, and they have the right to protect it. But, there are right ways to go about it and wrong ways.In a lawsuit in New Hampshire, the RIAA is suing a woman for violating copyright...