SV Staff

SV Staff  |  Dec 21, 2008
So, you bought that fancy-schmancy ulta-flat panel TV. Thing sits practically flush on the wall.  Well, it would if you didn't have a big, bulky HDMI cable. Panasonic hit the world with an HDMI to fit flush, and now Centronics is...
SV Staff  |  Dec 19, 2008
YouTube has had HD videos for a while now, but finding that HD content has been a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. Looks like they've made it much, much easier.Now, once you go to the Video page, there's a link to all the HD...
SV Staff  |  Dec 19, 2008
Target isn't the first name you think of when you go shopping for electronics gear, but with Circuit City pulling out of some cities and Tweeter/HiFi Buys disappearing, options are getting pretty limited. So, why not see what Target has to...
SV Staff  |  Dec 19, 2008
What could possible push the sales of Blu-ray harder into the positive numbers is debuting in Japan. The world's first hybrid Blu-ray/DVD movie is going to be released (in Japan) on February 18th.  One of the benefits of the dearly...
SV Staff  |  Dec 19, 2008
You would have thought that sales of flat panel TV would be booming right now. We're 61 days away from the digital conversion. Instead of buying converter boxes, most pundits thought everyone would be rushing out to buy new digital TVs this...
SV Staff  |  Dec 18, 2008
Sorry, Wii games. We know you're fun at parties, but Mario has been looking a lot better on the DS than he has on our big-screens lately. Let's get on with the games that made our eyes as happy (sometimes happier) than our thumbs.

SV Staff  |  Dec 18, 2008
LG's BD300 Blu-ray player is getting an upgrade. I know, it's about time!  Joining the likes of Samsung and TiVo, the BD300 is getting a firmware update that give it access to Netflix HD streaming. Woo-hoo. The upgrade, vBD8.11.480...
SV Staff  |  Dec 18, 2008
While companies in London are touting 3D with not-so-dorky-looking glasses, they still have glasses. However, next month in Vegas, Alioscopy is going to be showing off their Autostereoscopic 3D display -- NO GLASSES REQUIRED! Alioscopy and TCL...
SV Staff  |  Dec 18, 2008
England's Sky satellite broadcaster has said that "there is a very good chance you'll see the London Olympics in 3D"Sky had a meeting in London demo-ing 3DTV, and if they have their way, they'll be shooting more and more 3D...
SV Staff  |  Dec 18, 2008
Say that three times fast.  The Internet-based set-top box is getting bigger. Not physically, but the features and sites it connects to is growing. The latest? YouTube, Flickr, and Picasa, plus on-demand TV from the NBC family, ABC, CBS,...
