The one claim - okay, one of a few claims - that Hulu had over YouTube was the quality of the video. But, crafty YouTube viewers have scrounged around and found a few HD-quality videos mixed into the regular, pixelated, sputtering content we all...
Who doesn't love a juicy rumor? Especially one that has real facts backing it up? Rumors are flying around North Carolina that AT&T's U-verse may be coming, specifically to Cary, NC, as early as December. That's just days...
Most of the nation is looking at Wall Street, Capital Hill, and Detroit, but our eyes are on Hollywood. As the economy tanks, people tend to look to the entertainment world to create a diversion. A report in the New York Times shows exactly how...
Vizio is looking to expand from a new-comer in the TV market to leading player in the home theater world. They're introducing a new product line destined to turn your sporting viewing into a super-event.
120Hz is the latest buzz word,...
Now that the American consumer has accepted HDTV, is 3-D TV the so-now product? According to a new online survey, 75% of consumers have seen a 3-D movie and almost the same number would recommend the experience to family and friends.This study...
Sure, there are waterproof TVs. But most TVs turn into eyesores when not in use. No matter how pretty the bezel, even the most expensive set is a big black hole in the wall
when the set is turned off. Pantel is making waves with their...
The list of reasons to pick up the BRAVIA Internet Video Link for your compatible Sony BRAVIA TV just grew. And grew in a big way.Slacker Personal Radio is now available streaming over the Internet Video Link service. This gets a big...
Funai. Get used to it. Philips had pulled out of the TV-making business in the US and Canada and pulled out Australia and New Zealand monts ago. It still handles design and manufacturing for the European market, its home field. They turned that...
Isn't it ironic? Redbox, the DVD rental kiosks that are springing up everywhere, is going Blu. A few Blu-rays have been spotted in the big red boxes in the Northwest, and there are hints that you'll be able to reserve them on the redbox...
What's going on these days? Pirates are attacking everywhere. Already bored with DVD, pirates have set their spyglass on Blu-ray. Authorities in China, home of the most voracious pirates in the video business, seized a stash of over 800...