SV Staff

SV Staff  |  Oct 29, 2008
Times are tough. Sometimes a man will do anything to feed his family. Just ask Jan Valjean. And sometimes a man will do anything so his family can watch TV. Especially HDTV. The Pocono Record in Pennsylvania carried this news item: Someone drove...
SV Staff  |  Oct 29, 2008
No question about. Everyone likes nice, round numbers. So it caught our attention when The Hollywood Reporter noted that Blu-ray has reached the 1,000-title milestone. Sort of. By their count, as of last week, more than 1,000 Blu-ray Discs...
SV Staff  |  Oct 29, 2008
Gotta admit this: Most whole-home system manufacturers are a bit, well, boring. Really, how interesting can an in-wall speaker be? Well, the folks at Proficient Audio Systems have a bit of a sense of humor. And, a bit of creativity too!This...
SV Staff  |  Oct 29, 2008
In a surprising move, Sony executives called a press conference today and announced that Sony and other licensees would abandon the Blu-ray disc format. According to the Sony spokesperson, "After considerable thought, we've decided that we...
SV Staff  |  Oct 28, 2008
This is bad. I wanted to post this 12 hours ago. Wanna know why I'm sooo late? Well, I've been busy. Really, really busy. See, MTV Music just launched, and they have every video ever made!  Well, okay, probably not every video, but...
SV Staff  |  Oct 28, 2008
You settle in to watch the latest HD streaming content only to be constantly interrupted by stutters and stops as the buffering stalls your video. Nothing like taking an hour and a half to watch an hour long (or 44 minute long) show, right?As...
SV Staff  |  Oct 28, 2008
Red's an interesting company, creating buzz like no other. There's been so much hype about their new Scarlet camera months before it even exists. Well, they're upping the hype once again.Without giving any real specifics, Red CEO Jim...
SV Staff  |  Oct 28, 2008
We all know Hollywood has a certain image to maintain. When you see an actor on the big screen, up close and personal, you can see right into their soul. Good lord, let's hope you don't have to see every brush stroke of liquid foundation...
SV Staff  |  Oct 28, 2008
Why are Mac users always the last to get picked on the playground? Even today, there are so many apps and devices that won't run on Macs. Oddly enough, this time, it's Microsoft who's picked Mac to join their team.Microsoft's...
SV Staff  |  Oct 27, 2008
In case you didn't know, "Good Life. Great Price." is the slogan used to market Sears. Don't feel bad, it didn't ring a bell with me either. At least not like "Always Low Prices. Always."In any case, if you need a...
