Drew Thompson

Drew Thompson  |  Sep 14, 2005
EA (all consoles)
Game ••½ Graphics/Sound ••••
After Rising Sun sank like a stone, the Medal of Honor series went back to boot camp.
Drew Thompson  |  Jun 01, 2005
SELECT article_nid,
The Short Form
DIMENSIONS (WxHxD) 6.75 x 1 x 3 inches PRICE $250 MANUFACTURER Sony,
Drew Thompson  |  Dec 29, 2004

1. SMALL WONDERS Most multimedia speakers make audiophiles laugh, but the Spherex 5.1 Surround Sound System ($500) - based on Mirage's critically acclaimed Omnisat 6 home theater speakers (reviewed in "Thinking Outside the Box II," May 2003) - is worth a serious listen.

Drew Thompson  |  Jan 13, 2003
(Photos by Ebet Roberts) You might not know the name, but you definitely know the movies. The Sixth Sense, the left-field hit of 1999, put director M.
