Josef Krebs

Josef Krebs  |  May 09, 2006
Walk the Line: single-disc edition 20th Century Fox
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••
Johnny Cash was
Josef Krebs  |  May 09, 2006
Anniversary Edition Paramount
Movie ••••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
The 2001 DVD
Josef Krebs  |  Apr 03, 2006
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••½ Extras ••½
In Ingmar Bergman's 1973 "hit" Scenes from
Josef Krebs  |  Jan 14, 2006

It's amazing how many ways a story can be told. Byron Haskin's 1953 version of THE WAR OF THE WORLDS (Warner; Movie ••••, Picture/Sound ••••, Extras ••••) has a completely different focus and tone than Steven Spielberg's gloomy take on the H. G. Wells fantasy.

Josef Krebs  |  Dec 14, 2005
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
Director Christopher Nolan has reinve
Josef Krebs  |  Dec 09, 2005
The Criterion Collection
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
At first, it seems odd that this sim
Josef Krebs  |  Dec 07, 2005

Film Special Editions

Ben-Hur Collector's Edition (Warner, 4 discs)

Sin City Recut & Extended Edition (Dimension, 2 discs)

The Sound of Music 40th Anniversary Edition (20th Century Fox, 2 discs)

Josef Krebs  |  Nov 06, 2005
Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s Kino
Movie •••• Picture/Sound ••½ Extras None
Josef Krebs  |  Nov 06, 2005
20th Century Fox
Movie ••• Picture/Sound •••½ Extras None
Woody Allen's Melinda and Melin
Josef Krebs  |  Oct 02, 2005

From the late 1960s through the early '70s, Americans saw the crumbling of the old morality, which gave way to the new twin blights of urban decay and bad hair. If this golden age of anti-heroes and the stars who played them is your bag - if you take your detectives tough, your streets mean, and your realism gritty - then you'll want to add some of these movies to your collection.
