John Sciacca

John Sciacca  |  Jan 05, 2004
The kitchen used to be considered mom's domain. But it's now the central gathering point in most homes. During parties, people congregate sipping cocktails and chatting while waiting for the food to cook. Mail is read and checks are written at the kitchen table. Messages are transmitted via refrigerator magnet.
John Sciacca  |  Nov 17, 2003

Photos by Tony Cordoza Now that you know what the hottest games are, why are you still playing them on a small screen using the TV's anemic speakers? Jacking your game console into your home theater is a no-brainer that will take your gaming to the next level. Using a big screen draws you into the action, and the surround sound totally envelopes you.

John Sciacca  |  Aug 04, 2003

The quest for the perfect remote control has earned a place in the pantheon of noble but futile human endeavors alongside those for the Holy Grail or a fabulous "undiscovered" wine under $10. For some people, remotes are a necessary evil, creating clutter and increasing complexity until it seems you have to solve a puzzle like Rubik's Cube just to watch a movie or play a CD.

John Sciacca  |  Apr 21, 2003
Illustration by Turnstyle Imaging Years ago, if you wanted a new piece of gear, you'd go down to your local stereo shop, describe what you were looking for, audition a couple of pieces, make your selection, and then pay the sticker price.
John Sciacca  |  Oct 21, 2002
Illustration by Chris Gould; room photo by Tony Cordoza

See if this doesn't sound familiar: You don't just love movies, you love the whole moviegoing experience. When the time comes to check out a film, you drive miles out of your way to go to the best theater around-one with stadium seating, digital surround sound, and that awesome THX trailer that comes on before the movie.

John Sciacca  |  May 15, 2002

You finally made the plunge - you bought a new TV. After countless hours of research and comparing Model A to Model B, you're ready to get down to business. So you pop in a demo DVD, fire up the audio system, adjust the lighting, sit back in your favorite chair, and press play. But something isn't right. Everyone looks a little sunburned.
