This guest technical primer was submitted by Dave Rodgers, marketing manager for Elite Screens Inc. and a 20-year professional in the audio/video and wireless communications industries.
You might be surprised to learn that there is more to contrast than just black and white. The intensity of color matters just as much. While the topic of black-white level has been explained in all its glorious intricacy by the best minds in the AV world, I prefer a more basic approach — one that makes sense to someone who doesn’t know lux from lumens.
Ambient light allows us to see the world. From the moment of our first breath to our final sigh, the waking hours of our lives are bathed in ambient light. Think of your best days under the sun; the warm rustic glow of candles and firesides, or the countless light bulbs that have illuminated your path through all these years. Of all the phenomena in this great universe, it has contributed so much to the quality of our lives. That is, unless you are trying to get a good picture on any large video display—then it is just too darn bright. Once again, the old adage proves correct that “you can have too much of a good thing.”
In recent years, the music and consumer electronics industries have collaborated to lead a resurgence of interest in high-resolution audio. The movement is a reaction to the perceived loss of appreciation for recording-quality music resulting from the widespread adoption of compressed digital music formats (MP3, AAC, WMA) developed for digital download, players, and sharing services.