|  Sep 22, 2003

Little noted in the hubbub about AOL Time Warner dropping the "AOL" from its corporate moniker is the news that Time Warner Cable has delivered over 150,000 TiVo-like devices to its customers—without the extra expense.

 |  Sep 22, 2003

Hollywood's efforts to keep its products off the Internet are misguided, according to Philips Consumer Electronics president and CEO Lawrence J. Blanford. Proposals offered to date won't work and will hurt both consumers and electronics manufacturers, Blanford told Congress on September 17.

 |  Sep 15, 2003  |  Published: Sep 16, 2003

<A HREF="http://www.yamaha.com">Yamaha Corporation</A> has joined the ranks of manufacturers whose products qualify for THX Ultra2 certification.

 |  Sep 15, 2003  |  Published: Sep 16, 2003

Throw-away DVDs should fit easily in a world accustomed to everything from disposable diapers to disposable cameras.

 |  Sep 08, 2003  |  Published: Sep 09, 2003

The Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association (<A HREF="http://www.cedia.com">CEDIA</A>) Expo is increasingly the venue for new product debuts. Among the hot new home theater products on display in Indianapolis are the world's first cable-ready HDTV, from Panasonic and the world's first combo DVD/DVD-A/SACD player with high definition multimedia interface (HDMI), from Pioneer.

 |  Aug 25, 2003  |  Published: Aug 26, 2003

<A HREF=http://www.tivo.com>TiVo</A> may be this year's hot ticket.

 |  Aug 18, 2003  |  Published: Aug 19, 2003

A better remote control is on the wish list of almost every home theater enthusiast. <A HREF="http://www.universal-remote.com/">Universal Remote Control, Inc.</A> has introduced two products worth investigating by anyone whose remotes have been hampered by environmental or architectural constraints.

 |  Aug 18, 2003  |  Published: Aug 19, 2003

The next generation of home theater equipment is likely to be smaller and more efficient, thanks to recent developments in digital amplification at <A HREF="http://www.ti.com/">Texas Instruments</A>.

 |  Aug 11, 2003  |  Published: Aug 12, 2003

Home video fans and independent film makers should take heart in a new announcement from <A HREF="http://www.apple.com">Apple Computer</A>.

 |  Aug 10, 2003

Despite long-running consumer complaints and generally stagnant wages, cable television rates continue to rise. For the 12-month period ending July 1, cable rates rose 8.2%, according to figures recently released by the <A HREF="http://www.fcc.gov">Federal Communication Commission</A> (FCC). The average monthly bill went from $37.06 to $40.11, with basic cable costs up 3.7% and equipment fees up 12%. The rate of increase exceeded the 7.1% annual rise over the past five years.
