Last week, Mitsubishi invited its dealers and members of the press to see this year's TVs at the Hyatt Regency in Huntington Beach, California. Front and center were the company's laser-illuminated DLP rear-pros, first unveiled at CES last January. Dubbed LaserVue, these sets are intended to rekindle the flagging RPTV market with twice the color range of today's HDTVs and larger screen sizes than any reasonably priced flat panel.
Sit down at a cafe in Paris and begin talking about your latest Blu-ray movie purchase, and odds are your French neighbors will have no idea what you're talking about. Try the same at a Manhattan bar and the barflies will likely get the gist. ...
Too old to rock & roll? Not the Rolling Stones, as they prove in Martin Scorsese's killer concert documentary Shine a Light, which opens today. The subject of age seems to be on most other critics' minds, but I honestly wasn't struck by the...
Comcast isn't the only service provider trying to make room for more high definition channels by compressing other channels into a smaller bandwidth footprint. It looks like they all do it, to some degree, though some carriers are better at masking...
In 2008, 14% of all television-watching will happen online, according to a study from Convergence Consulting Group. It would be reassuring to also hear that approximately 14% of television-watching will take place outside of a home environment...
In fewer than five short years, Apple has managed to whomp the entire music industry. The iTunes online store sold more music in January and February than any other U.S. retailer, including second-place finisher Wal-Mart, according to a report from...
Demand for television sets is on the wane, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing "recent consumer surveys and comments from a TV supplier and from club stores."
Following an initial showing at CES in January, Dolby Laboratories and SIM2 demonstrated their latest prototype LCD flat-screen display in New York on Monday. The panel utilizes Dolby's LED backlighting with local dimming, which the company calls HDR (high dynamic range). This moniker is highly appropriate, since the LEDs behind dark portions of the image can be dimmed or even turned off completely for black areas, resulting in a literally infinite contrast ratio!
Many consumers are justifying purchases of expensive high-definition Blu-ray players and movie discs by lamenting that a better alternative - such as streaming downloads of high-def movies to a hard drive attached to the TV -is too many years away....
Excuses, excuses. Television executives like to say that upgrading certain shows to high-def not only costs mountains of cash, but would be inconvenient for certain types of programming. Such as shows, where, you know, a behemoth high-def camera...
True high-def camcorders tend to be on the bulky side compared to their standard-def brethren. Sony is touting its new HDR-TG1 camcorder as the world's smallest full-HD version, so there's no real excuse to leave the camcorder at home while you...
Those spoiled TiVo-owners always seem to get what they want. Unlike the poor slobs who get by with poorly-designed and slow-as-molasses DVRs from the cable company, TiVo customers will soon get an upgrade that improves response times and processing...
Contrast ratio junkies have long dismissed LCD televisions, repeating the idea that LCDs don't get black or bright enough compared with plasmas. A new technology from Dolby Laboratories and SIM2 Multimedia might just change their minds. A...
Flat-panel TVs, DVD players, computers, mopeds, and kitchen appliances were among the goods that went on sale in Cuba this week. Incredibly, the old Fidel Castro regime had forbidden sales of these items till just this Tuesday. The new regime is a tad more reasonable about what Raul Castro calls "excessive prohibitions." But there's just one catch.
Hey Canadians, its time for the annual Festival Son et Image, your local high-end audio and video trade show. Now in its twenty-first year, the show takes place from April 3-6 at the Montreal Sheraton Centre, though the first day is limited to...