Blu-ray Movie Reviews

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Brandon Grafius  |  Jul 15, 2007  | 

Ken Korman  |  Jul 15, 2007  | 

Marc Horowitz  |  Jul 15, 2007  | 

Shane Buettner  |  Jul 11, 2007  |  First Published: Jul 12, 2007  | 

Talk about a win-win. Not only is the BBC's <I>Planet Earth</I> series spectacular hi-def eye candy, it's so well-made and narratively compelling that it holds up to an insane number of repeated viewings. And I should know- my two-year old son has us watching several of these episodes (especially <I>Shallow Seas</I> and <I> Ocean Deep</I>) several times a week.

Marc Horowitz  |  Jul 05, 2007  | 
New Line
Movie •••½ Picture •••½ Sound •••½ Extras •••
Yes, Apocalypto is i
Ken Korman  |  Jul 03, 2007  | 
Movie •••• Picture •••• Sound •••• Extras •••
Like most other films that were directed by Clint Eastwood,
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jul 02, 2007  |  First Published: Jun 29, 2007  | 
Video: 4
Audio: 3
Extras: 1
This touching movie from Tim Burton is very un–Tim Burton. It’s the story of a son trying to get to know his father, whose stories of his life have been nothing but tall tales. It’s an almost surreal journey and worth it for anyone who has ever had a father. It stars Ewan McGregor, but there are small parts from a host of great actors like Danny DeVito, Steve Buscemi, Robert Guillaume, Jessica Lange, and more. I saw this movie on an airplane the first time. Even on a 4-inch LCD screen, I loved it, so that should say something.
John Higgins  |  Jul 02, 2007  |  First Published: Jun 29, 2007  | 
Video: 5
Audio: 5
Extras: 4
When the ad campaign for the theatrical release of Happy Feet started, I was amazed and perplexed. The animation looked fantastic, but, for the life of me, I had no idea what the movie was about. The most amazing part was that not a single person I knew had any idea what the movie was about, but it had dancing penguins and an all-star cast, leaving us all mesmerized. Not only was everyone mesmerized, they all planned on seeing it without any clue what it was about.
Ken Korman  |  Jun 27, 2007  | 

Mel Neuhaus  |  Jun 27, 2007  | 

John Higgins  |  Jun 19, 2007  | 
Video: 4
Audio: 4
Extras: 4
Okay, I admit it. I like Will Ferrell. His movies are almost always funny and entertaining, from the recent Blades of Glory, to Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, and back to his evil turn as Mugatu in Zoolander. Some are also surprisingly sweet and touching. (If you haven’t seen Elf, go rent it.) Ferrell’s honest and genuine acting allows him to connect to characters and audiences with ease.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jun 19, 2007  | 
Video: 3
Audio: 2
Extras: 4
Rarely before this movie had such bad people been seen getting away with bad things. You love Steve McQueen’s Carter despite the fact that he’s a bank robber and he kills people. Add in Ali MacGraw, explosions, and the fact that this is one of the only movies made almost entirely in sequence (as in the first scene was shot first, the last one last), and you have a classic of American cinema.
Joel Brinkley  |  Jun 12, 2007  | 

Who can forget <I>Seven Years in Tibet</I>? In the early days of DVD, almost ten years ago, it was one of the first great releases. It offered stunning picture quality with video imagery that took full advantage of the top-of-the-line production values. The move is "panoramic." It shows vast Tibetan vistas, as well as exotic and colorful religious dress of the era – the late 1930s and early 1940s. Eventually, Sony even put out a "SuperBit" version, which was said to have even better picture quality.

Mike Mettler  |  Jun 10, 2007  | 
