Blu-ray Movie Reviews

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Sol Louis Siegel  |  Jun 07, 2007  | 
The Criterion Collection
Movie •••• Picture ••••½ Sound •••½ Extras ••½
Director Ken
Marc Horowitz  |  Jun 04, 2007  | 
Movie ••½ Picture ••• Sound •••½ Extras NONE
Director Steven Soderbergh pays homage to b
Josef Krebs  |  Jun 03, 2007  | 

Layer Cake (Sony Blu-ray Disc). Kicking off with a bang - an explosion that rips from front to back as an armored van is blown open - this 2004 pre-Casino Royale Daniel Craig movie takes us on a historical journey through the London underworld.

Ken Korman  |  Jun 03, 2007  | 

Sol Louis Siegel  |  Jun 02, 2007  | 

Ken Korman  |  May 30, 2007  | 

Mel Neuhaus  |  May 30, 2007  | 

Rad Bennett  |  May 30, 2007  | 

Tom Norton  |  May 30, 2007  | 

Mel Gibson may or may not have terminally damaged his impressive film career with his well-publicized antics last summer, but no one can accuse him of being a hack filmmaker. His box office draw as an actor may not be what it once was, but he does know how to direct a movie.

Joel Brinkley  |  May 30, 2007  | 

<I>Smokin' Aces</I> is a thriller-action film full of suspense and quite satisfying. I liked it, and I had not seen it before the HD DVD arrived. The studio calls it an action "comedy." But don't look to this movie for laughs.

Rad Bennett  |  May 21, 2007  | 

Sol Louis Siegel  |  May 21, 2007  | 
The Criterion Collection
Movie •••• Picture •••• Sound •••½ Extras ••••½
Jean-Pierre Melville&#
Tom Norton  |  May 20, 2007  |  First Published: May 21, 2007  | 

Stop the presses. There's a new set of reference high definition discs in town, discs that in technical quality alone very nearly blow anything you've seen so far out of the water. It's the <I>Complete Matrix Trilogy</I>, available this Tuesday (May 22) only in a boxed set of three HD DVDs.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  May 18, 2007  | 
Video: 2
Audio: 2
Extras: 4
What’s amazing about watching this movie now is how trite it seems. From the car chase through San Francisco to Steve McQueen’s effortlessly cool lead as an insubordinate cop, it has all been done countless times. But what many people have forgotten is that this was the first time any of that had been done in any real way. The plot is almost inconsequential. This movie is about watching McQueen be the badass that he was—and one of the greatest car chases ever put on film.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  May 18, 2007  | 
Video: 4
Audio: 4
Extras: 3
The Broken Lizard boys’ last jaunt was the semiamusing Club Dread. It yielded some laughs and the worst-looking DVD I have seen in years. So, the idea of their next movie being available on HD DVD is amusing in itself. The movie follows a group of college buddies as they train and compete in the underground German drinking contest, which goes by the same name as the title. If you haven’t found their previous movies funny, this one won’t convince you. If you’re looking for a funny, stupid movie, this one is it.
