Mark Fleischmann  |  Dec 30, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 03, 2006
The company that made Steve sweat.

SanDisk has been building on their position as a Flash memory-card manufacturer to offer music players. Search, and you'll find that the company's solid-state players come up as often as their highly rated SD cards, putting them at the forefront of iPod competition. The Sansa e280's main attraction—a compelling one—is 8 gigabytes of storage, making it one of the most capacious memory-based players out there.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Dec 30, 2006  |  First Published: Nov 13, 2006
60? Who needs 60?

As I've mentioned in the past, one of my least favorite artifacts in the video world is the motion blur that flat-panel LCDs exhibit. Not everyone is as allergic to this as I am, and that's fine. I tend not to be bothered by DLP rainbows; some are. So, we all have our things.

Mark Fleischmann  |  Dec 29, 2006
The CEO of Philips Electronics North America seems to be having a midlife crisis. Or at least, his company is. Asks Paul Zeven: "Have we gone too far? Are we in step with the needs of today's American consumer?" Philips research suggests that manufacturers have gone astray. "My company has studied the relationship between technology's complexity and consumers' attitudes and found that two out of three Americans have lost interest in a technology product because it seemed too complex to set up or operate. We also found that only 13 percent of Americans believe technology products in general are easy to use. The study concluded that only one in four consumers reports using the full range of features on most new technology products. If these findings aren't enough of a wake-up call, the study also found that more than half of Americans believe manufacturers are trying to satisfy perceived consumer needs that may not be real." It's telling that Zeven looks not to the hardware sector for a new role model, but to the likes of Google and Craigslist. The solution, he says, is "design, manageability and functionality."
Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 28, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 29, 2006

The 1978 story of the comic hero Superman was far from the first live action realization of that character, but it has become a classic. Christopher Reeve, in the title role, was an appealing actor. While he was never a great one, he was a good choice for the Man of Steel. It's no accident that Brandon Routh, a Reeve near look-alike, was chosen for the lead role in the new Superman Returns.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 28, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 29, 2006

Stop me if you've heard this one. Wild animal breaks out of a New York zoo to return to the wild. Other animal friends follow to bring him back. They travel by boat to a strange, jungle environment.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 28, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 29, 2006

Tim Burton loves the bizarre, and his Corpse Bride (he shares director credit here with Mike Johnson) is nothing if not that.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 28, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 29, 2006

The story of a well-intentioned but ultimately failed U.S. 1993 military mission in Somalia, where American Rangers and Delta Force troops tried to capture a savage warlord who was ravaging and starving his own people into submission, is not a pretty one. Nor is Black Hawk Down an easy film to watch. But while it's often gritty, depressing, and filled with violent, bloody imagery, it also paints a very positive, uplifting image of American troops and what they're willing to risk for the mission and for each other. It's hard to imagine mainstream Hollywood producing such a film today, five event-filled years after Black Hawk Down first hit the screens.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 28, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 29, 2006

I haven't seen director Peter Jackson's extended cut of this movie, now available on ordinary DVD. And I don't plan to do so until Universal sees fit to release it in high definition. After viewing this gorgeous HD DVD release of the original, theatrical version, I don't think I ever want to see the film again in standard definition.

 |  Dec 28, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 29, 2006

With all due respect to director Ridley Scott's other efforts, including Black Hawk Down, this medieval crusade drama may well be his finest work to date. The theatrical cut was seriously compromised when it was cut down from the director's preferred length, but this version is far more coherent.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 28, 2006  |  First Published: Dec 29, 2006

This witty take on the fashion industry, with its dedicated, nearly obsessed careerists, should appeal to anyone who can get over the idea that it's just a chick flick. In fact, there are parallels here to any industry that demands total dedication. When I first saw the scenes of the big annual fashion gathering in Paris, I thought "CES!" OK, Vegas isn't Paris (not even at the Paris), and CES parties don't have as many gorgeous, skinny women. But you get the idea.
