Ken Richardson  |  Nov 06, 2005

DIRE STRAITS. The guitar-driven, chart-topping Brothers in Arms became the first big blockbuster of the digital era, signifying that the CD format had crossed over to the mainstream. And now, the 20th Anniversary Edition on DualDisc (Warner Bros.; Music •••••, DualDisc Mix •••••, Extras ½) enhances the album's stat-us as a sonic benchmark.

Jon M. Gibson  |  Nov 06, 2005
EA Games (PS2, Xbox)
Game ••••• Graphics/Sound •••••
You have been warned: playing Burnout: Revenge will make you a bad driver.
Jon M. Gibson  |  Nov 06, 2005
Sony (PS2)
Game •••½ Graphics/Sound •••
Don't dismiss this as Saturday-morning drivel - Jak X is much cooler than its cartoon aesthetics imply.
Daniel Sozomenu  |  Nov 06, 2005
2K Sports (PS2, Xbox)
Game •••• Graphics/Sound ••••
After the lockout, try prying extra cash from a disgruntled hockey fan.
Ken Korman  |  Nov 06, 2005
Movie ••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••
Hollywood remakes don't always fall short of the mark, but the new take on The Longest Yard
Rad Bennett  |  Nov 06, 2005
20th Century Fox
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound ••••½ Extras ••••
Ridley Scott's epic me
Ken Korman  |  Nov 06, 2005
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••½ Extras •••½
In this sleek and stylish crime thriller
Rad Bennett  |  Nov 06, 2005
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••½
Josef Krebs  |  Nov 06, 2005
Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s Kino
Movie •••• Picture/Sound ••½ Extras None
Josef Krebs  |  Nov 06, 2005
20th Century Fox
Movie ••• Picture/Sound •••½ Extras None
Woody Allen's Melinda and Melin
