Rob Sabin  |  May 11, 2017
Build Quality
PRICE $1,000 ea

Classic McIntosh styling
DTS Play-Fi compatibility
Excellent sound quality
Quirky Play-Fi app
Grille isn’t acoustically transparent
No Bluetooth

It’s hardly cheap, but McIntosh’s wireless speaker will satisfy your inner audiophile in more ways than one.

My UPS delivery guy—after having me sign for a pair of McIntosh RS100 wireless speakers, whose brand labeling was plainly evident—couldn’t resist commenting before walking off with a wink and a smile: “Have fun with those!”

SV Staff  |  May 11, 2017
Onkyo is expanding its RZ Series of AV receivers in June with three 7.2-channel Dolby Atmos/DTS:X-equipped models, ranging in price from $900 to $1,400.
SV Staff  |  May 11, 2017
Starke Sound, the Carson, California-based maker of high-end speakers, is constructing two Dolby Atmos demonstration theaters for the Los Angeles Audio Show, which is open to the public and runs Friday, June 2 through Sunday June 4 at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Los Angeles.
Al Griffin  |  May 11, 2017
Got a tech question for Sound & Vision? Email us at

Q I own an Audio-Technica AT-LP120-USB turntable that I’ve modded. I’ve also purchased a Cambridge Audio CP1 phono preamp to connect the Audio-Technica to my Denon AVR-X6200W receiver. Can you help me understand how to hook the CP1 up to the Denon? I’ve tried many options but still fail to get sound. The turntable plays when plugged into another amp so I know it’s working correctly —Rodger Benson

Barb Gonzalez  |  May 10, 2017
Hulu has released a public beta of its Live TV feature in a completely redesigned app so I tried it out to see if it is it a bona fide replacement for pay TV.
Michael Trei  |  May 10, 2017

PRICE $300

Big sound from a tiny speaker
Carefully voiced with neutral tonal balance
No HDMI video passthrough
Sub’s performance limited by its small size

Despite its diminutive size, the MagniFi Mini speaks with a loud and clear voice at a bargain price.

Why is it that every year, TVs seem to get bigger while speakers seem to get smaller? Back when Stereo Review became Sound & Vision, a nice home theater had a 34-inch tube TV and a decent 5.1channel surround sound system with floorstanding tower speakers. Now, many years later, the TV has grown to 65, 70, or even 80 inches, but the speakers have shrunk to the point where they’re small enough to get lost at the bottom of the massive screen.

SV Staff  |  May 10, 2017
Home automation company Control4 today introduced a line of all-weather landscape speakers, the first such product to be announced since it acquired Triad earlier this year.
Bob Ankosko  |  May 10, 2017
Como Audio, maker of the Top Pick-designated Solo and Duetto Wi-Fi-based multiroom music systems, launched a Kickstarter campaign in New York City yesterday to unveil two new spin-off models.

Mark Fleischmann  |  May 09, 2017
The percentage of broadband-connected households using antenna-delivered broadcast TV has jumped from 9 percent to 15 percent over the past three years. And the percentage getting pay-TV service has dropped every year during the same period, to 81 percent of broadband households in 2016.
Ken C. Pohlmann  |  May 09, 2017
Saturn's rings are pretty cool. They are clearly visible with even a modest telescope. Going where no spacecraft has ever gone before, the Cassini spacecraft is diving through the rings and into the gap between the rings and the planet's surface. Enterprising scientists at JPL have created a file that lets you hear the "sound" of particles impacting the spacecraft as it passes through the rings and into the gap.
