SV Staff  |  Sep 19, 2018
Porsche Design, the lifestyle brand started in 1972 by Professor Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, today announced the Porsche Design 911 Soundbar Black Edition, which “transforms the exhilaration of Porsche’s 911 GT3 racecar into an intense musical experience, delivering crisp mids, powerful bass, and visual-excitement to any space.”
SV Staff  |  Sep 19, 2018
Klipsch today kicked off its new “Keepers of the Sound” video series, which spotlights pioneers of all crafts who’ve “stayed true to a vision of preserving their rich heritage, while adapting to today’s tech-driven world.”
SV Staff  |  Sep 19, 2018
Epson has introduced “advanced” pixel-shifting technology in the Home Cinema 4010 LCD projector it unveiled yesterday.
SV Staff  |  Sep 18, 2018
When Sony launched the first videocassette recorder in 1975, it was just a matter of time before movies would become available on tape for viewing at home — a foreign concept at the time — but Andre Blay got the ball rolling and started a business that would forever change the way Americans enjoy entertainment at home. Blay passed away August 24 in Bonita Springs, FL at age 81.
SV Staff  |  Sep 18, 2018
Vizio today announced the availability and pricing of three Dolby Atmos-enabled soundbar systems, ranging in price from $500 to $1,000 and featuring upward firing drivers to support 3.1.2-, 5.1.2-, and 5.1.4-channel Dolby Atmos configurations.
Darryl Wilkinson  |  Sep 17, 2018
Two years ago, I stumbled across a display booth with an overly energetic dude eager to convince me that he'd invented something akin to the home-theater version of sliced bread — a DVR for the streaming age. It appears that the Modulus M1 is about ready to ship.
SV Staff  |  Sep 17, 2018
Google has introduced a “faster, more accurate” version of its Sound Search music identification tool and integrated it into the Now Playing feature introduced last year on its Pixel 2 smartphone.
SV Staff  |  Sep 17, 2018
We were pumped when NASA did the first 4K live stream from the International Space Station a year and a half ago, and now we can hardly contain our enthusiasm with the news that spectacular views of space from NASA are now available on the Roku streaming platform.
SV Staff  |  Sep 17, 2018
Source: Adobe Analytics survey “State of Voice Assistants” (September 2018)

Like it or not, smart speakers are on a roll. A serious roll.

Chris Chiarella  |  Sep 14, 2018
How many more movies and TV shows will simulate virtual reality to tell a “thought-provoking” story about the fate of society? I gave up on Netflix’s Black Mirror because I could not bear another tale of VR gone awry, but Ready Player One brings the pedigree of Steven Spielberg, plus Ernest Cline’s bestselling novel. How could it miss?
