Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 18, 2005

While I'll be the first one to defend the importance of the independent dealer who can provide expert demonstrations and face-to-face advice, the reality is that these dealers are experiencing an increasingly diverse and difficult market. And in some parts of the country, they're hard if not impossible to find.

 |  Dec 18, 2005

Leading companies across a variety of converging electronics sectors have formed the High-definition Audio-Video Network Alliance (HANA) in an attempt to create “guidelines” that will increase capabilities and ease of use for networked high-definition components throughout the home, and include robust copy protection.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 17, 2005

In my previous blog, "In the Black," I stated that the new Sony VPL-VW100 SXRD projector would not accept 1080p directly. That was the impression I obtained at its press introduction at last September's CEDIA. But I subsequently learned, in completing Part I of my review of that projector, which will be posted on this site tomorrow (Sunday, December 18, 2005), that it will indeed accept 1080p/60 at its HDMI and DVI inputs.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Dec 16, 2005
According to politicians and the news media, there is an epidemic of youth violence in this country, and it’s the fault of violent video games. This myth seems to be believed by everyone who isn’t a gamer, or who believes the news media or politicians. Now I’m ok if you’re not a gamer, but if you believe everything politicians and the news media tell you, I have some land to sell you, real cheap.
Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 16, 2005

While we’re sitting around waiting for Blu-ray or HD-DVD high definition players and discs to hit the shelves, we can still do a little hi-def pickin’ and chosin’ on our own beyond switching hi-def channels. On Apple’s web site, you can find links to hi-def trailers that you can download and watch right now, like <A HREF="" TARGET="NEW"> <b> this one for <i> X3</i></b></A>. Of course, you need a home theater PC if you want to show it on your projector or hi-def set, but I was satisfied to watch it on my not too shabby IBM T42P laptop. Even though the 15” screen’s aspect ratio is an old school 1.33:1, the resolution is an eye-popping 1600 x 1200.

Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 16, 2005

After hearing he was leaving the public radio waves for pay-per-swear satellite service for the umpteenth time, the day has finally come and, halleluiah, he’s gone. It’s a little too late though. After all, he already, almost single-handedly, ruined radio.

Steve Guttenberg  |  Dec 16, 2005
I guess I shouldn't have counted him out, but, after Neil Young's last few efforts—Silver & Gold, Are You Passionate?, and Greendale—I was starting to feel like he was in a rut. The recordings had their high points, all right; but, when I'm in the mood for Neil, I'll spin Comes a Time or Sleeps With Angels. Although I've only spent a few weeks with Prairie Wind, I think it'll stand beside Young's earlier triumphs. It's that good.
Mark Fleischmann  |  Dec 16, 2005
Hey, it's holiday gift-giving season! Or as I like to call it, Yuletide. I've already dug out the stocking mom made with the train in felt and sequins. What are you putting in it this year?
 |  Dec 15, 2005

HD DVD has missed another deadline, this time the end-of-2005 launch date for Japan. HD DVD’s main developer, Toshiba, said the reason for the delay is that the standards for the AACS (Advanced Access Content System) copy protection scheme (used in both HD DVD and Blu-ray) are not finalized yet.
