Ken Korman  |  Dec 09, 2005
Movie ••• Picture/Sound ••• Extras •••
This contemplative thriller from director Sydney Pollack ne
Ken Korman  |  Dec 09, 2005
Paramount/20th Century Fox
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
It's taken eight long years, but the many fans of
Ken Korman  |  Dec 09, 2005
Movie ••• Picture/Sound ••••½ Extras •••½
Despite having a plot so silly it makes other actio
Brandon Grafius  |  Dec 09, 2005
Lions Gate
Movie ••½ Picture/Sound •••½ Extras ••½
The language of High Tension may
Marc Horowitz  |  Dec 09, 2005
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
Francis Ford Coppola and an exceedingly good-looking ensemb
Ken Korman  |  Dec 09, 2005
Hart Sharp
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
He never worked for a studio, and he only had a hand in the c
Mel Neuhaus  |  Dec 09, 2005
20th Century Fox
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••½ Extras •••
This underrated 1944 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Rad Bennett  |  Dec 09, 2005
Blue Sky/20th Century Fox
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
Where Blue Sky's Ice Age only hin
Josef Krebs  |  Dec 09, 2005
The Criterion Collection
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
At first, it seems odd that this sim
Rad Bennett  |  Dec 09, 2005

One is blonde, the other brunette. One radiates as an earth mother, the other is everyone's favorite big sister. But when the chips are down, each babe is a trained killing machine who can kick terrorist ass.
