Audio Video News

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SV Staff  |  Mar 28, 2008  | 
In the decades-old gender battle for the remote control, it appears women have begun to wrangle the device at a higher rate then men, especially when there's a digital video recorder involved. According to a new study from Solutions Research...
SV Staff  |  Mar 28, 2008  | 
This plasma stuff might burn you up with jealousy, but don't try this at home, electrical engineers. At least wait until you get back to the lab. Everybody else should simply enjoy the YouTube videos in safety. Gizmodo posted two videos of one...
SV Staff  |  Mar 28, 2008  | 
At a seminar in Japan this week, Matsushita plasma group manager Susumu Tsujihara didn't say a word about subsidiary Panasonic's plans to manufacture plasma panels for Pioneer's high-end Kuro line. But everything he did say sounded like very good...
SV Staff  |  Mar 28, 2008  | 
Now that bean counters have a sense for consumer Blu-ray appetite when HD-DVD is out of the picture, it looks like 15 million of the high-def discs will sell in 2008, according to HMR Research. From mid-2006 (Blu-ray's launch) until the end of...
SV Staff  |  Mar 31, 2008  | 
If you've got an eye for crisp video, surely you've wished the high-definition signal being pumped into your living room was even better. The signal quality appears to have good days and bad days, and you may have even wondered if the same HD...
SV Staff  |  Mar 31, 2008  | 
One of the difficulties in swallowing Microsoft's home theater PC concept is the ugliness associated with plopping a boxy tower anywhere near your sleek living room set-up. This post is neither the time nor place to discuss the merits of HTPCs and...
SV Staff  |  Mar 31, 2008  | 
If you live in an eco-conscious city, you may have heard something about "earth hour" over the weekend. In various locales, public awareness campaigns were conducted for the March 29 at 8 p.m. holiday from electricity. National landmarks went dark,...
SV Staff  |  Mar 31, 2008  | 
New moms and dads, as well as any other gearhead who has recently purchased a high-end camcorder, will be glad to know they can now share high-definition home video over the Web. Motionbox, which used to seem like just another video-sharing site,...
SV Staff  |  Apr 01, 2008  | 
Forget microscopes. Students at Tufts University's Center for Scientific Vizualization don't have to squint when examining particles, molecules, DNA, and tiny organisms. Instead they simply glance up at the enormous VisWall in their classroom. The...
SV Staff  |  Apr 01, 2008  | 
As if your cell phone didn't already try to perform too many functions at once, a slew of consumer electronics manufacturers want to add in one more feature: A digital projector. That's right, a mini-version of the home-theater grade projectors...
SV Staff  |  Apr 01, 2008  | 
HDTV sets keep getting thinner. Hitachi's UltraThin line is only 1.5-inches thick. If you're the type that must have the world's thinnest TV, you probably want to show off its slim profile with a wall-mount. However, there aren't many (as far as we...
SV Staff  |  Apr 02, 2008  | 
Many early subscribers to Verizon's FiOS TV service consider themselves pioneers paving the way for competition among Internet and TV service providers and forcing cable and satellite companies to stay on their toes. As with all pioneers, the...
SV Staff  |  Apr 02, 2008  | 
One of Raul Castro's first orders of business since taking over control of the Cuban government from his brother Fidel Castro: Opening up the electronics stores. Cuban citizens don't have much cash, but at least they have a few more choices about...
SV Staff  |  Apr 02, 2008  | 
High-definition carriers make a lot of promises. Some they keep, some they don't. Last year, DirecTV promised 100 HD channels to its subscribers by the end of 2007. They didn't quite make it, even though the satellite broadcaster still had more HD...
SV Staff  |  Apr 02, 2008  | 
Hey Canadians, its time for the annual Festival Son et Image, your local high-end audio and video trade show. Now in its twenty-first year, the show takes place from April 3-6 at the Montreal Sheraton Centre, though the first day is limited to...
