Audio Video News

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SV Staff  |  Dec 02, 2008  | 
Grab a pencil and paper - it's time to make a list. What are the top ten things you are wishing for this year? The results of a recent CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) survey will surprise you. Blew me away, actually. Black Friday has...
SV Staff  |  Dec 02, 2008  | 
Sure, you can say you're prepared for the DTV transition, but is your whole city? Wilmington, NC has already done a full test switch, literally pulling the plug on their analog TV. Boston isn't going quite that far, but the city is doing...
SV Staff  |  Dec 03, 2008  | 
Did you buy into SACD? Stocked up on every new DVD-Audio that came out? Been wondering what the heck you were gonna do with those discs if you upgraded to Blu-ray?Denon's new DVD-A1UDCI to the rescue! Claimed to be the world's first...
SV Staff  |  Dec 03, 2008  | 
Come on. 'Fess up. How much stuff do you have backlogged on your TiVo? Me? I've got 27 shows in a folder called "Everest," 34 episodes of House, and a stack of movies that I record whenever HBO or Showtime has a free preview...
SV Staff  |  Dec 03, 2008  | 
Studios: Your Blu-ray pricing is making the discs unsaleable! I love home theater. And I own a Blu-ray player. So, when Pixar's Wall-E came out on disc, I headed down to Wal-Mart on launch day to pick up the movie on Blu-ray. But when I saw the...
SV Staff  |  Dec 03, 2008  | 
  The dust has settled and 99.99% of us have survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday for another year. So, with the economy in the dumper, were you enticed out of your home for any crazy tech deals this year? Give it up... Begin the healing or...
SV Staff  |  Dec 03, 2008  | 
Who needs a real fireplace when you can enjoy a faux fireplace - in HD no less? Did everyone grow up in areas that broadcast Yule Logs? WPIX in NY City had it every year when I was growing up. It wouldn't be the holidays without it. Now, HD...
SV Staff  |  Dec 03, 2008  | 
 This one is personal. Tweeter, and its stores, HiFi Buys and Sound Advice, are no more. Gone. Someone hacked their site today, but now there is nothing. "Server not found." They announced bankruptcy last year - notable to me...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
A few observant users over at EngadgetHD spotted something interesting on their TiVo screens. When they looked at the Video On Demand screen for Amazon's streaming service, they noticed an interesting option. Suddenly, there was an option for...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
Circuit City has a long list of problems -bankruptcy and store closings are probably tops. Well, Samsung just added to their worries. According to a U.S. bankruptcy court filing, Samsung is demanding that Circuit City return nearly $74 million in...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
If just the warm fuzzy glow knowing that you saved the planet isn't enough to convince you to trade-in or recycle, perhaps cold, hard cash might be what you need. We all have a pile of old, obsolete, or non-functioning electronics gear lying...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
The only single-screen movie theater left in the state of Louisiana is upgrading - in a major way. The historic Prytania Theater has just upgraded to 4K digital cinema. The Prytania is the oldest operating theater in the city, having opened in...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
The only single-screen movie theater left in the state of Louisiana is upgrading - in a major way. The historic Prytania Theater has just upgraded to 4K digital cinema. The Prytania is the oldest operating theater in the city, having opened ...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
This election is gonna be fun. The Consumer Electronics Association has chosen five finalists in their Digital TV: Convert Now! contest, running at this very moment on YouTube. You get to decide which one is the most educational.The winning...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
Most people compare things like contrast ratios and black levels. As I stare at my flickering TV screen, I'm glad that PC World has done a study on HDTV reliability.The study looked at five factors: problem on arrival, any significant...
