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Ian G. Masters  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

Techs and Specs

Jamie Sorcher  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

Boys love toys, but only if they've got a gimmick - and both of the items I checked out this month do.

John Sciacca  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

A receiver is your home theater's brain as well as its brawn. It doesn't just power your speakers; it's also the switching center for your gear and decodes the various surround sound formats. After connecting your speakers and components, here are the steps to take to ensure your receiver produces all the sound you paid for.

John Sciacca  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

the listAudio distribution is the custom-installation industry's bread and butter. Sure, home theaters are sexier, but with only five or seven speakers, they can't compete with the ten, 20, 30, or more that need installing for a housewide music system.

John Sciacca  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

the listAnd the Trojans wheeled the great wooden horse into their city and shut the gates. Later, while the city of Troy slept, Greek warriors slipped out from inside the horse and pillaged the city.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

Point the finger almost anywhere you want. After all, there's plenty of blame to go around. Cable companies didn't really support it. TV manufacturers charged extra for it. The people who designed it left out a few things. And the federal government - it started the whole mess.

Mike Mettler  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

Just to set the stage: You guys are working on Season 3 as we speak, right? CARLTON: Yes. We started shooting back on August 7. We're working on new episodes right now, in fact.

Mike Mettler  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

One of the very first things we saw in Season 2 of Lost was a needle dropping on the title track of Mama Cass's 1969 album, Make Your Own Kind of Music, inside "The Hatch" (a.k.a. "The Swan"), the underground locale that drove much of that season's action.

Mike Mettler  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

Who could be more perfect to solicit a pair of Desert Island Disc lists from than the executive producers of Lost, a show where music and locale are so often intertwined? Lost masterminds Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse couldn't have agreed more, so here are their respective 10-song lists.

Mike Mettler  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

Anything you can tell me about what happens in Season 3? I just know that there are a few new characters and that we'll be delving into the story of The Others a lot more. And, um, some people are going to be dying, which is, um, interesting. And that's as much as I know.

So nobody is safe? Nobody is safe. That's correct.

 |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

Q. I'm moving into a new home, and the den that will house my home theater is 24 x 18 feet. What can I do myself to treat the room acoustically? There's a fireplace on one of the short walls, and our 60-inch rear-projection HDTV will go on the other. The long walls have a sliding glass door on one side and a picture window opposite that.

James K. Willcox  |  Oct 04, 2006  | 

Photo Gallery

Rob Sabin  |  Oct 04, 2006  | 

Noise-canceling headphones - once a luxury reserved for hard-core business travelers living on jets - have gone mainstream. Though fancy models still cost north of $200, today you'll find name-brand phones for as little as $50. That's clearly within reach of iPod-toting everyday Joes.

David Katzmaier  |  Oct 11, 2006  | 

The granddaddy of fixed-pixel technologies, LCDs first appeared in pocket calculators in the early 1970s. LCD technology is amazingly versatile, able to power front projectors, rear-projection TVs, and flat-panel displays.

 |  Oct 26, 2006  | 
