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Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Dec 01, 2006  | 

Parrots, hooks, peg legs, pieces of eight, the Spanish Main: Everybody loves pirates! Surely you know that September 19 is annual Talk Like a Pirate Day (I'm not making this up). Instead of your actual name, like "Kenneth" or "Colonel Sanders," wouldn't you prefer to be called "Cap'n Slappy"? Everybody loves pirates.

John Sciacca  |  Dec 02, 2006  | 

Many people hide their A/V gear behind cabinet doors or put the system off in a closet somewhere. But how do you control everything when you can't point the remote at any of it? The oh-so-simple solution is to install an infrared (IR) repeating system, which carries signals from your remote to wherever your gear may live.

James K. Willcox  |  Dec 03, 2006  | 

Surge protectors - or, more precisely, transient-voltage surge suppressors - are becoming a necessary part of any home theater.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Dec 03, 2006  | 

the listNot too long ago, you could measure a person's love for music by the square footage of their CD shelf space. Today, however, an audiophile's passion may be hidden away on a hard drive.

Al Griffin  |  Dec 05, 2006  | 

Accell's UltraAV HDMI 2-1 Switch The good thing about HDMI is that it reduces the wire tangle in an A/V system by carrying digital high-def video and multichannel audio signals on a single cable. The bad thing is that many HDTVs sold over the past few years have only one HDMI input.

 |  Dec 05, 2006  | 

Q. I watched a special on Discovery Channel called "Home Theater Revolution," and the theater expert built a room for a family to watch movies. He put the surround speakers on the back wall, as opposed to on the side walls facing in.

 |  Dec 09, 2006  | 

HANNspree HANNSlounge 32-inch LCD HDTV $1,499 hannspree-usa.com Like most LCD TVs, the HANNSlounge is black and not very deep, but the external similarities end there.

 |  Dec 31, 2006  | 

Ever want to see a little bit more of an installation? Maybe another angle on a piece of equipment we're reviewing? Well, now you can with Sound & Vision Photo Galleries! Check out the examples below, and look for the Photo Gallery icon in future test reports and articles.

John Sciacca  |  Jan 02, 2007  | 
