Scott Wilkinson

Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 09, 2011
Do you need active-shutter glasses with 3D projectors at home? What's causing moving lines on my TV? Are width or height speakers better?
Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 09, 2011
Last week, I profiled the first power amp from Marten, which was introduced at CES in January. This Swedish maker is otherwise known for its high-end speakers, including the new Coltrane 2 that was also unveiled this year in Vegas.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 09, 2011
Audio reviewer Steve Guttenberg, aka The Audiophiliac (not the actor!), explains why he thinks non-audiophiles don't really listen to music any more, the resurgence of vinyl LPs, high-res music downloads, 2-channel vs. multichannel music, bringing young people into the audiophile fold, what good sound sounds like, the difficulty of acoustic treatment, the value of headphones, and answers to chat-room questions.

Run Time: 52:07

Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 08, 2011
Whenever anyone starts proclaiming that plasma is a dying technology, I put my hands over my ears and start singing, "La, la, la, I can't hear you!" Sure, LCD TVs have come a long way in terms of black levels and motion detail thanks to LED illumination and frame interpolation, but these are work-arounds for problems that most plasmas never had in the first place—and they often come with their own odious artifacts, such as frame interpolation's "soap-opera effect." So it was with great glee that I read a report in This Week In Consumer Electronics about a study from market-research firm DisplaySearch, which found that shipments of plasma panels to TV manufacturers in 2010 were way up from the previous year.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 08, 2011
In a joint venture between US-based Seymour AV and UK-based Screen Excellence, the aptly named Seymour-Screen Excellence (SSE) recently announced its new Reference Fixed Frame (RF) acoustically transparent projection screens. Initially available are two materials—Enlightor 2 and Enlightor 4K.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 07, 2011
When you think about home-theater gear, what usually comes to mind are things like displays, source devices, processors, amplifiers, and speakers. But these are nothing more than very expensive boat anchors without AC power—and that power had better be clean if they are going to perform at their best. This is where PS Audio comes in with its new PerfectWave Power Plant 5 and 10 AC Power Regenerators.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 03, 2011
As wildly successful as Avatar was, many people still complained of eye fatigue, headaches, and other symptoms of what I call 3D sickness. (If you haven't yet taken our poll on whether or not you suffer from this malady, I invite you to do so here.) So director James Cameron plans to significantly improve the 3D experience of Avatar 2—scheduled for release in December 2014—as revealed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 03, 2011
Swedish Marten is well known for high-end speakers—I profiled the incredible Coltrane Supreme last June. But the company introduced something different at CES 2011—its first power amplifier, the M-Amp monoblock.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Feb 02, 2011
Should I buy a used projector? Can you recommend a VHS/DVD recorder combo? Should I hide my speakers?
