If I hear one more old fart who grew up separating seeds from stems in the middle of a gatefold cover say we've got to save the album, my head is gonna EXPLODE!
P2P. No longer the story. The press is burned out on it. As are the insiders at music conferences. Bring up file-trading, and they wince. But more people are downloading more files than ever before.
I don't fire up the big rig anymore. Oh, I lived for the day when I could afford a first-class stereo. I started off with a pink record player my father got at a bankruptcy sale. And graduated to Columbia all-in-ones we got through a family friend when CBS still owned the record label and made hardware.
"Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)" was my favorite track on Led Zeppelin II. Maybe it was just teenage hormones, but the way the song took off like a shot appealed to me. Like you could OUTRACE society. And I've always been about playing outside society.
There was a curious note on the front page of the L.A. Times Business section at the end of last week. They were dropping stock tables from the paper (Times Trims Stock Tables, Expands Business Coverage).