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Barb Gonzalez  |  Jun 18, 2013  | 
Cambridge Audio's Minx Air 100 speaker streams music via Bluetooth and AirPlay. See how it compares to a Sonos home music system.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Jun 11, 2013  | 
Apple announced their new streaming music service, iTunes Radio. Here's a look at its features compared to Google Play Music and Spotify.
Barb Gonzalez  |  May 29, 2013  | 
The forthcoming Xbox One has added a number of features that Microsoft hopes will make Xbox the only content device you'll want to connect to your home theater. See why you may want an Xbox One even if you don't play video games.
Barb Gonzalez  |  May 20, 2013  | 
Google finally gets it right with its Google Play Music All Access unlimited music streaming service. Find out why it may be time to start streaming music, or switch from your current subscription service.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Apr 24, 2013  | 
The PLAiR is now shipping. Find out how this small device can stream online videos from your computers, smartphone, or tablet.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Apr 16, 2013  | 
M-Go promised to have the technology for better search and recommendations of movies. When it launched it didn't make good on its promises. Find out which streaming services and devices do a better job.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Apr 03, 2013  | 
Social TV will soon be as commonplace as onscreen tickers but it won't happen like everyone expected. Joel Espelien of The Diffusion Group explains the findings of his report, "Social TV: Myths, Facts, and the Future."
Barb Gonzalez  |  Mar 27, 2013  | 
The zeebox app is both interactive social TV and a second screen experience that may change the way you watch TV.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Mar 18, 2013  | 
Redbox now offers the Redbox Instant subscription streaming movie service to go along with its kiosk rentals. But can it compete with the Netflix powerhouse?
Barb Gonzalez  |  Mar 07, 2013  | 
The newest YouTube mobile app update allows both Android devices and iPhones/iPads to instantly send the video to your TV. Find out what you need to make it work, and learn about current limitations.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Feb 28, 2013  | 
Dish co-founder debunks rumors that the comapny is trying to bankrupt TV networks with its AutoHop commercial-skipping DVR feature...
Barb Gonzalez  |  Feb 19, 2013  |  First Published: Feb 18, 2013  | 
New original series are being produced by Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and more streaming video companies. Are we making the from broadcast and cable TV to streaming entertainment. Find out more and where to sample non-Netflix subscribers can view "House of Cards."
Barb Gonzalez  |  Feb 06, 2013  | 
If you know what movie you want to watch, now you can find it easily on the Can I Stream It website and app.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Jan 23, 2013  | 
The PlayTo Android app streams video from your home libraries, online websites and the mobile device's saved media. The app works like Apple's AirPlay, and can play on Apple TVs.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Jan 02, 2013  | 
Best Buy's CinemaNow launches Disc-to-Digital service for buying digital versions of DVD and Blu-ray titles you own from your home computer.
