Analysts Call Vizio Top TV Brand

Vizio is claiming bragging rights as the number one selling brand of flat-panel TVs in a press release citing numerous market analysts. Note the distinction between "brand" and "manufacturer."

DisplaySearch attributes the brand's meteoric rise to number one in the first quarter of 2007 to its "warehouse club channel focus and lack of channel conflicts" as well as its "successful expansion outside of the club channel to Circuit City, Sears and Wal-Mart while maintaining its attractive price point."

Quixel Research says that in the second quarter, Vizio had the top sellers from the 20- to 47-inch categories, and also led in the 32-inch size, "the largest LCD TV segment and the primary battleground amongst brands."

Says iSuppli: "Having added Wal-Mart and Sears in the second quarter of 2007, Vizio has emerged as the first value brand to surpass shipments of premium brands including Samsung, Sony, Sharp and LG Electronics." Ouch!

Vizio is headed up by William Wang, formerly of Princeton Graphics. "Interestingly, Vizio is not a manufacturer, but a contract wholesaler who has products built to spec by OEM companies in Asia. Tight supply chain management and a very lean US operation both help to keep costs way down," comments Pete Putman of

See press release.