Any room with a TV, a surround sound audio system, and a mess of wires snaking across the floor can become a home theater once the lights go down.
Loved the opening line to this article (cited above). It is my "man-cave" to a T (especially the "mess of wires snaking across the floor"). Someday, I would love to have a room like that described in the article but funding priorities and my lack of "handy-man" skills makes it a "would like to have" rather than a certainty. Certainly if funding changes, I will at least make my HT more fashionable in its decor, but there is something to be said for keeping the lights down and saving some coin along the way. A fashionable room is certainly desirable but if I'm forced to choose between having the gear or the decor--gear wins every time (plus, we have a decent two channel rig in the living room anyway, so not all is lost).
But nice work on the room (and good advice on how to get it done).