I know there are people who can afford top-of-the-line gear. I can’t.
So what I strive for is “pretty good.” It’s not the most expensive gear out there, but it’s not entry-level stuff, either. What’s most important is whether or not I like what I see and hear, and if there’s elements I don’t like, are they not so bad I can’t ignore them. Stuff like vinyl surface noises, outside sounds leaking in, stuff like that.
While specs and measurements mean something, they aren’t the absolute bottom line. Bose Wave Radios are popular for a reason, and their specs aren’t all that great. If you like it, it’s “pretty good.”
Of course, I expect to be fiddling and tweaking my system until they carry me out, but it’s probably not going to be in search of a .0001% reduction in THD.