Can't W8 for Sony's GR8 XBR8

Sony isn't talking about its update plans for its high-end XBR LCD series, but it doesn't have to when leaked product road maps say all that needs to be said. According to the Boy Genius Report, which published a leaked documents about the XBR series, there are many new sets on the way starting in May and going through the fall. Sony definitely seems dedicated to this lineup.

Sony started with the XBR5, but coming soon will be an XBR6, XBR7, and XBR8. These models are expected to have DLNA compliance, four HDMI ports, two component ports, a PC port, and an online guide, but the most exciting new feature will debut in the XBR8: "Triluminus" LED back-lighting. A 46-inch version will launch in August, while a 52-inch will appear in October. This snazzy back-light is supposed to beef up contrast ratios by picking and choosing which parts of a scene to back-light (dark parts get less light, and thus look even blacker).

Sony, now that the product road-map has been devoured by high-def fans, it is time to come forward and confirm it all by offering even more details to whet consumers' appetites. After all, May is almost here. -Rachel Rosmarin

The Boy Genius Report