CEA: Almost 1 Million DTVs Sold in October

Digital television sales exploded in October, according to figures released December 8 by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA).

The Arlington, VA–based trade group reported that DTV unit sales in October totaled 968,394, with dollar sales exceeding $1.29 billion. The total marked a 136% increase in unit sales over October 2003 and a 102% rise in dollar sales. The smaller increase in dollar sales can be attributed to declining prices.

"We expected DTV sales to be strong in the final months of the year, but to see the numbers in print is an exhilarating affirmation of DTV's success," said CEA Director of Industry Analysis Sean Wargo. "Year-to-date DTV sales total 5.4 million units and are on track to meet CEA's initial forecast of 6.9 million units."

CEA reported that cumulative DTV unit sales now total 14,306,452 and dollar sales are just below $23 billion. CEA defines DTV products as integrated sets and monitors displaying active vertical scanning lines of at least 480p and, in the case of integrated sets (monitors with built-in tuners), receiving and decoding Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) terrestrial digital broadcasts.

"Further fueling the analog-to-digital television (DTV) transition is the broad consumer appeal of flat panel displays," Wargo added. "Manufacturers are selling an impressive number of LCD products. In fact, we've already exceeded our annual sales forecast for the LCD category. We projected 1.35 million LCD units would be sold this year and now we've surpassed 1.4 million. In October alone we sold 290,000 units."

CEA Market Research projects that 6.97 million DTV units will be sold in 2004, 10.77 million in 2005, 16.77 million in 2006, 23.25 million in 2007, and 27.05 in 2008. Figures are compiled through the CEA's Market Activity Reports and Analysis (MARA) program, which publishes more than 500 reports annually.