Comcast Changes Name to Xfinity

Comcast, the nation's largest cable provider, is changing its name to Xfinity.

Gizmodo remarked: "Do you get it, people? It's infinity, which is awesome, and X, which is dangerous. It's like, dangerously awesome."

The Giz people suggest it may also be a way of changing the subject away from Comcast's impending merger with NBC Universal. The merger is getting the fishy eye from Democrats in Congress, reports the Associated Press. The FCC has also made some cryptic remarks about it.

The name change is leading to some uncertainty among news outlets like ourselves. The logo is all lowercase: xfinity. The Comcast blog announcing the change has the name all uppercase: XFINITY. And Gizmodo is splitting the difference with upper- and lowercase: Xfinity. That last one looks best to us too.

In addition to the name change, Xfinity is also rolling out to 11 new markets including Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Hartford, Augusta, Chattanooga, San Francisco, and parts of the Bay Area. The new name will cover the company's voice and internet services as well as its TV delivery service.