Demo-Worthy Blu-rays

A friend asked me if I knew of good Blu-ray demo discs so he could show off his system as well as the benefits of Blu-ray technology. He does not collect many discs except the occasional concert video, being an audiophile first and foremost, but concert Blu-rays can be hit or miss as demo material.

Claude Whiting

You've come to the right place! David Vaughn's Ultimate Demos blog identifies exactly the type of discs your friend is looking for, down to the time-code second of specific scenes and what those scenes demonstrate. Also, my last two poll questions asked readers to share their picks for the best Blu-rays to demonstrate video and audio; check out the responses here and here.

BTW, if your friend is an audiophile who likes concert videos, have him check out the Blu-rays from AIX Records. The audio recordings are impeccable, and the live performances are captured in gorgeous high def and, in some cases, 3D.

If you have an A/V question, please send it to