DTV Sales Figures for 1998

Based on DTV-sales data released by the Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association, Mitsubishi is the market-share leader in digital televisions sold in the US for 1998. According to its own figures, Mitsubishi sold 9639 units, which constitutes 73.2% of all units reported by CEMA to have been sold last year.

According to Max Wasinger of Mitsubishi, "We are extremely pleased to have the lion's share of digital televisions sold, and we are even more excited to see that HDTV is gaining acceptance rapidly among consumers throughout the entire industry. This exciting news supports our view, as well as the industry's, that consumers want HDTV, and that our strategy of offering HDTV-upgradeable sets with a separate HDTV receiver is making a difference."

Robert A. Perry, director of marketing for the company, added: "While many pundits have been predicting a lukewarm reception for HDTV products, we are thrilled that our estimates and strategy have been supported by the real voters---the customers. We believe educating consumers and retailers about the benefits of HDTV is vital for the technology's continued acceptance in the marketplace. Once consumers truly understand these benefits, they will feel more confident in investing in HDTV."