HD Deals: Free Vudu with Mitsubishi TVs

We spend a lot of time reading and researching home theater gear, so we see our fair share of good deals on gear. From now on, we’re going to share those deals* with you. Today we have a free $150 version of the wonderful Vudu box and $50 worth of movie credits when you buy a Mitsubishi TV. Take the jump for more deals.

We spend a lot of time reading and researching home theater gear, so we see our fair share of good deals on gear. From now on, we’re going to share those deals* with you. Today we have a free $150 version of the wonderful Vudu box and $50 worth of movie credits when you buy a Mitsubishi TV. Take the jump for more deals.

    *These deals are subject to change and Soundandvisionmag.com is not responsible for any false guarantees.
