Sons of Anarchy—FX (Blu-ray)

Show: 3.5/5 Video: 4.25/5
Audio: 4/5
Extras: 2.5/5

The writer of "The Shield" and the producer of "The Sopranos" bring you a ruthless adrenaline-packed look into the unexplored world of an outlaw Californian Motorcycle Club as its members struggle to balance family life and a weapon-trafficking business.

I hadn’t heard of this show before it showed up for review. I’ve heard it referred to as a bike gang version of The Sopranos but I don’t think that fits the description at all. This has little to do with mafia and more to do with the daily life of gun runners in a small California town dealing with the everyday drama of the business. The cast is spectacular and the production is better than its cable roots would suggest. The show was a bit slow in the beginning but by the third or fourth episode I was pretty hooked. I am now anxiously awaiting the opportunity to watch the second season as this one sets up for it perfectly. A great crime drama with lots of blood and some real heart.

Fox delivers a great looking Blu-ray with plenty of fine detail, depth and dimension. Some of the darker shots have a bit more grain than some may like but it adds to the show’s grit. The audio is also solid with some nice low end punctuation to the bikes and bullets.

Extras include some commentaries along with a behind the scenes look at the production of the show. Some deleted scenes and themed features are also included.

I’m glad I gave this one the chance. The show ended up winning me over and I’m more than ready for another dose. The Blu-ray presentation is solid making this an easy recommendation for fans of the genre.