Spread—Anchor Bay (Blu-ray)

Movie: 3.5
Picture/Sound: 3.5/4
Extras: 3

In "Spread", Nikki isn't a gigolo. He's a sexual grifter, a fun-loving, freeloading hipster who understands his greatest assets are his looks and sexual prowess, which he uses to charm his way into the hearts of the city's richest women and enjoy their lifestyle. Nikki gets a free place to live, fantastic gifts, A-list access, and plenty of sex. The women get to feel young, beautiful...and utterly fulfilled in the bedroom. It's a mutually beneficial set-up. Nikki's latest conquest is Samantha, a stunning middle-aged lawyer who gives him more than he's ever had before. But then he meets a gorgeous waitress his own age named Heather. She comes to visit Nikki at Samantha's house while Samantha is out of town, sees what an incredible place it is...and comes to the mistaken conclusion it's his. Unbeknownst to Nikki, Heather lives by playing the same game. When Samantha comes home, she discovers Nikki's infidelity and he's put out on the street. With nowhere else to turn, Nikki pulls out all the stops to win Heather over and they begin to form their own kind of bond. Sexually charged by a game of one-upsmanship, each shows the other their best grifts, and they unexpectedly begin falling in love - the one thing they can't do in the life they lead. Soon, the truth of their unfolding relationship forces a choice between love and money, and Nikki has to decide whether he can live on his own once and for all in the hopes of finding something real.

This one reminded me of the wild films of the mid to late eighties and their unflinching take on sex and nightlife. You don’t see Kutcher much in films these days but this one was actually surprisingly good. He plays a full on player that takes advantage of rich woman to basically get by. The film isn’t shy about its subject (which is refreshing) and is chocked full of interesting conundrums. Those looking for a spicy relationship flick should definitely give this one a chance.

Anchor Bay delivers a solid Blu-ray presentation here. The video does show its lower budget roots and doesn’t quite have the spit and polish of some of the bigger titles out there but there is still plenty of detail and dimension to be found. The soundtrack has some great song selection and enough spatial cues to keep things interesting.

Extras include a look behind the camera plus interviews and a feature commentary with the cast.

I didn’t know what to expect going into this one but I was glad I gave it the chance. The film isn’t afraid of its subject matter and the performances are pretty solid. Definitely worth a look.