Let Bonaverde Maximize Your Morning Brew
Bonaverde is looking to cut out up to 14 middlemen between you and the coffee grower, meaning that you will be dealing with the farmer to receiver the freshest coffee possible. Through Bonaverde’s online marketplace, farmers will sell green beans directly to consumers and you’ll be able to enjoy the highest quality coffee at competitive pricing. In addition, the farmers will earn more, meaning they can improve their farms and lives.
The Bonaverde Dalia will then roast, grind and brew a pot of ultra-fresh and bursting with flavor coffee from these green beans in about 15 minutes. The beans are slowly roasted at temps between 180-230 Celsius in a special roasting chamber, with a custom-built air filter absorbing all the smokes and oils and only filling your kitchen with the delicious aroma of roasting coffee. Roasting instructions for each bean type is sent to the machine via an RFID tag, ensuring the perfect roast for every pot.
The Dalia will sell for $499, and the next generation machine – expected in early 2016 – will be network capable allowing full remote, app-based control, letting you remotely schedule the perfect morning cup'a. Ain't technology grand?
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