Music Collecting Used to Be Fun

My favorite LP-hunting story takes place in a Lower Manhattan store sometime in the 1980s. For several years I had been looking for The Compleat Dancing Master, a compilation of English Morris dance tunes charmingly mingled with spoken-word material. The only copy I'd ever seen was an unsealed one and I wanted a virgin sealed copy. So there I was in this record store, when a guy walked in and asked the manager if the very album I was seeking was in stock. The manager said yes and I went into a collector's frenzy. I had one advantage over the competing shopper--I knew what the jacket looked like, with its distinctive graphics against a hunter-green background. I began scanning the tops of the rows of LPs, looking for a slim stripe of hunter green. It took me less than a minute to find my prize, a sealed copy with a price sticker that read $2.49 (a lot less than online prices today). As I took it to the cashier, I made no attempt to lock eyes with my vanquished rival. Actually, I was half triumphant for my accomplishment and half embarrassed for my greed, if the truth be known. But I still remember that day whenever I see that hunter-green spine on my shelves. Perhaps we live in a better world now, a world where shoppers needn't compete for collectibles because downloads can reach vast numbers of people if the artist is lucky. But this item remains hard to find in any form--and downloads are never this much fun.

Lawrence S. Cohen's picture

I'm not commenting on the particular article. This is a general cry for help.I am not a tv-phile but I am anaudiophile. Anyway I felt I needed to get into it and I wanted to be able to mplay DVDs and from my PC so I bought what I thought was a simple device a Denon AVR, number in the 300s range, I think.Well it is just way out of reach for me to set it up.At one point I did have it working for both TV and DVD because the cable guys set it up. But the audio cables were plugged into one output and the video into another, I dont know why and I cant fix it. Then the book said that "pure" is the best sound, so I hit that button-it turned both the audio and the video off and I couldne reverse it. One day the on/off button on the front stopped working, but there is one in the pocket on the back-it worked. Later all that seemed to heal up for no reason that I can fugure out. I am just way out of my ability to run this thing. Right now I have PC plugged into the DVD audio inputs,so I'll use HDM

Johanna's picture

Can you please send me your email address, I have a picture to show you some thing that your customers will say WOW... when you walk in with it.Thank you Johanna 727-934-6655

Joan's picture

Mark! Morris dancing? I had NO idea. Wow. The things we learn everyday...