Panasonic Moves Upmarket

We've all been wondering when Panasonic would make use of some of the Pioneer Kuro knowledge that Pioneer engineers brought with them when they went to work at Panasonic some three years ago when Pioneer left the TV business (Panasonic also reportedly licensed some Kuro technology). We won't know for certain until we get our hands on one of the new Panasonic ZT series sets when they come out in the spring (in 60- and 65-inch sizes. But in a dark room demonstration, the blacks looked considerably deeper than the blacks from last year's well-received VT series sets. There will be new sets in all of Panasonic's plasma lines, of course (and LCD sets as well), but its the ZT that has us champing at the bit. Prices are as yet unknown, but hopefully they won't be outrageously higher that the VT series (perhaps $1000 or so more?).

aleksandr's picture

Panny made the best Display of the CES with the ZT, and It isn't 4K. This say a lot...

Thomas J. Norton's picture
I wouldn't say it was the best looking display at CES, but it WAS the best looking display that was not, potentially, vaporware. And the best that will likely sell for less than half the price of 4K and OLED.