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Sony SS-AR1
The SS-AR1's (I sense an homage in that name) have been on the market in Japan since 2006, but have recently been upgraded in the voicing and crossover department.
But will we ever see them for sale here in the states? Possibly, but this show appeared to be a trial run to judge dealer interest. That's been a problem with Sony speakers in the past, and there have been some very good ones. High-end dealers are reluctant to take on Sony speakers, and Sony dealers are reluctant to take on speakers this expensivecurrently about $27,000/pair in Japan.
Associated equipment included Pass Laboratories monoblock solid state amps and an EMM Labs (Meitner) Reference SACD/CED player.
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The sound was punchy, dynamic, and full-bodied without being overblown.

That's been a problem with Sony speakers in the past, and there have been some very good ones.
Little Rock Mobile Mechanic