SVS Announces 3000 Micro Subwoofer

‘Tis the season for micro-subs! SVS, a company known best for powerful, take-no-prisoners subwoofers, has announced the arrival of its new baby, the 3000 Micro. The latest from SVS features dual opposing 8-inch drivers in a compact 10.9 x 11.7 x 10.7-inch (HxWxD) enclosure. An 800-watt RMS, 2,500-watt peak Power Sledge STA-800D2 amplifier with discreet MOSFET output provides equal power to both drivers, which fire in opposite directions to cancel out any energy transferred to the cabinet that might result in vibration and “sub crawl.” Like other subs in the SVS family, the 3000 Micro benefits from the SVS subwoofer control smartphone app for advanced DSP tuning.

“For too long, micro subwoofers have been imposters in the category with disappointing output, compromised sound quality, flawed engineering, and other performance issues,” said Gary Yacoubian, SVS President. “In the world of subwoofers, the 3000 Micro is like a magic trick. Its massive output, impressive extension, and pinpoint accuracy from such a small enclosure is unprecedented and further cements SVS’ legacy of setting the performance bar with every new product.”

According to SVS, the 3000 Micro’s progressive inverted surround “allows for maximum excursion and is critical to moving massive amounts of air and generating sound pressure levels you can feel at the deepest frequencies from such a small enclosure.” A 50 MHz Analog Devices Audio DSP with 56-bit filtering, advanced in-room tuning, and optimized frequency response curves is used to optimize the Sledge amplifier’s output, maximizing the “real-world potential” of the 3000 Micro subwoofer, which has a 23Hz to 240Hz +/-3 dB specified frequency response.

Available now from and retailers nationwide, the 3000 Micro is priced at $799.99 and comes in a Piano Gloss Black or Piano Gloss White finish.

hk2000's picture

What is meant by opposite directions? Does one push air while the other pulls, or does the left one fire to the left and the right one fire to the right? The former scenario doesn't really require that much power and in the end you really effectively have one driver "making" the sound, In the latter scenario, you got 2 drivers pushing air into the room and working against each other and against internal pressure/vacuum and requires a lot of power, but is the only way to realize the benefit of dual drivers.
If I were to design a dual driver sub, that's what I would do, and and if this is what results in "sub crawl", then you need I'd figure another way to counter that.

Dealzguy18's picture

Nothing new here, good old Velodyne, Sunfire etc all have tried this before . That’s why it requires enormous amounts of amplifier power to somewhat overcome small enclosure limitations and push the opposing transducers.