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Switching on Cox
Switched Digital Video (SDV) is coming, and Cox is helping you get ready. As we reported a few weeks ago, SDV requires a special tuning adapter to handle the communication between the cable provider and your TiVo devices. SDV increases cable's capacity for HD channels.
Cox sent a letter to their Phoenix customers telling them that some channels will become switched in a few weeks, and are giving them an option. A free option!
In these times of wanning customer service, what's Cox doing to help their Phoenix customers?
Cox is giving their customers a choice: trade in their CableCARD devices for a set-top box rental, or wait for a new tuning adapter. Cost of the tuning adapter? Zero! Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing at all. How often does a company offer you anything for free? Seriously - how often?
Of course, there's a little fine print. The tuning adapters aren't available yet, but SDV channels will be viewable with a Cox digital set top receiver until the tuners are available. This offer is only for TiVo Series 3 and TiVo HD customers.
So other Cox customers aren't left out, you can get an HD (non-TiVo) receiver for $2.00/month, the same price as their CableCARD devices. This price is only good for the first 6 months.
Lots of fine print, and lots of details, but it appears that Cox is doing the right thing. Nice. -Leslie Shapiro
Via Zatznotfunny
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