T-Mobile Announces Binge On Free Streaming Service

Last week T-Mobile announced an un-metered streaming service called Binge On that allows video from Netflix, HBO Now, ESPN, SlingTV and 21 other services to be streamed without counting toward subscribers' monthly data plan. Subscribers must have a 3-gigabyte data plan to qualify for the service.

But there’s a catch. The service—which follows the move last year to waive data caps for music streaming—will stream video at a lower quality (480p) to reduce the load on T-Mobile’s wireless network. At the same time, the company has introduced monthly data plans that include more data at a higher costs and is apparently betting that customers will opt for free, lower-quality free streaming on their phones instead of paying for more for higher resolution video.

The Binge On service does not include YouTube, Facebook, and Snapchat—all highly popular sources of video watched on smartphones.

Read a full report by The Wall Street Journal here.

Also see Wired’s report on net neutrality concerns raised by T-Mobile’s new service.