Wally-World Blowing out Blu-ray Discs

Everyone's talking about waiting for the price of Blu-ray players to come down to an acceptable price, but what about movies? Until Blu-ray movies are closer in price to DVD, folks aren't about to make the switch, are they?

Wal-Mart has just what you need. They're blowing out Lionsgate Blu-ray movies for $10 each. Not too shabby, right?  Lionsgate isn't the largest movie studio out there, but the selection isn't bad.

Reports are titles such as . . .

Terminator 2, Crash, Saw 1 and Saw 2, and Rambo 1, Rambo 2, and Rambo 3.  Check them out and let us know what titles and prices you found at your local W-Mart.—Leslie Shapiro


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