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It's here: Bambi 2
That's "2" as in Disney's Second Screen technology, introduced on the 1942 animated classic's Blu-ray debut, which was unveiled yesterday in a Diamond Edition.
Yes, confusingly, there are three screens in the photo above, but here's what Disney is trying to get across: As you watch Bambi on your HDTV via your Blu-ray player, you can simultaneously "dive deeper" into the movie via an app for your laptop or iPad, providing you with "fun interactive elements like animated flipbooks, galleries, photos, trivia, and more."
Just download the Disney Second Screen App, sync it to the movie, and you're ready to go. For more info and a demo, go to disneymovierewards.com/secondscreen.
We did a test drive of the technology, and you can read our report in our April-May double issue (on sale March 22, and in subscribers' hands before that). It's part of an exclusive cover story on another Blu-ray release featuring Disney Second Screen. That movie stars Jeff Bridges. And I don't mean True Grit.
- Ken Richardson
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